Centre For Family Equity

The Vancouver Sun publishes a feature on our Lone Mothers' Economic Inclusion project on Boxing Day

January 21, 2025

On Boxing Day, 2024, The Vancouver Sun published a feature article on lone mother poverty in BC titled, 'Poor but tough: How single mothers in B.C. are fighting for economic stability', by journalist Lori Culbert. The article features our Lone Mothers' Economic Inclusion project, project leaders from Surrey and Victoria, and the First Call report card and statistics on child poverty in BC, which was released before Christmas. The most recent statistics confirm lone parent and child poverty increased as of 2022. We saw this coming. 

Our Justice at Work for Lone Mothers in BC research project data, which captured the impact of the pandemic on low-wage lone mother workers and those accessing income and disability assistance in BC, indicated the increase in lone parent and child poverty rates we see today; we weren't surprised. Meanwhile, the CFE has been busy getting ready to ensure these families can bounce back with the solutions and remedies we know we need now

Our Lone Mothers' Economic Inclusion project has evidence-based solutions and the community-driven power to drive change home.

Our goal: end the cycle of family poverty through generations.

We express our gratitude to project leaders Jagdeep (Surrey) and Michelle (Victoria) for stepping forward to share their experiences and represent the CFE and the project. 

Click here to read The Vancouver Sun article published on December 26th, 2024. 

To learn more about this project and the 18 lone mothers across BC who are leading it please click here. 

This project has been supported through Women and Gender Equality Canada's Women's Program.