Centre For Family Equity

Mobilizing Justice for Youth Case Study Research

Mobilizing Justice Case Study Research: Understanding the Impact of Mobility Poverty on At-Risk Low-Income Youth in BC

The Mobilizing Justice for Youth Research Project aims to expand an evidence-based understanding of the impact of transit access and mobility poverty on low-income and at-risk youth aged 13 – 18 in BC.

This case study research will build on data we collected through our participation in the City of Vancouver's Reduced Fare Transit Pilot Project in 2022 and our Transit for Teens initiative which we launched in 2023.

This research project is funded and supported by the Mobilizing Justice project of the University of Toronto Scarborough, which is a partnership addressing transportation inequities through research and knowledge mobilization. Our BC research and outreach partners include Aunt Leah's Place and the BC Coalition to End Youth Homelessness, with the collaborative support of the BC Poverty Reduction Coalition.

Mobilizing Justice for Youth will capture the transportation and mobility-related experiences and challenges of at-risk youth in the Lower Mainland and Interior region of BC. The research takes a participatory approach to engaging youth with lived experiences of mobility poverty. Two youth peer researchers have come on board to inform all aspects of the case study, including outreach, data collection, and analysis.

Engaging Youth

The case study will explore how transportation access affects at-risk youth aged 13-18 who live below the poverty line, are in foster care, are homeless, or are at risk of homelessness and are impacted by intersectional marginalization due to their identity as Indigenous, racialized, Black, and 2SLGBTQIA+ youth.

Get Involved

Data will be collected through confidential online, text, or phone interviews and in-person focus groups between June and August 2024. Youth participants will receive honoraria for their participation. To verify the identity and participation criteria, participants must confirm their address and phone number in Metro Vancouver or the Interior of BC. The phone number provided must be a working BC phone number which we will verify before an interview. All participants will also be verified via Zoom before an interview engagement, regardless of their chosen form of engagement. 

The eligibility criteria for participation are:

  • Youth between the ages of 13-18.
  • Low-income/at-risk youth.
  • Live in the Metro Vancouver or Interior region of BC.
  • Impacted by mobility or transportation challenges.
  • Able to provide informed consent.

Sign up online here.

Participant Assent Form

To view a sample of our assent form for youth participants please click here.

Service Provider Engagement

This case study research also includes a survey of service providers who support low-income/at-risk youth to gather their experiences and input on access to services and mobility poverty for at-risk youth and how they 'removing the barrier’ of transit for the youth they serve. The Centre for Family Equity will cover the costs of all research events including refreshments, transit tickets, and honoraria.

Take the Survey

We invite service providers in the youth-serving sector anywhere in BC to take 15 to 20 minutes to fill in our anonymous survey. And please help spread the word to your networks and partners. The survey will be available by the end of June 2024.


For more information about this case study research and how to participate please contact:

Zeynya S. Alemayehu, Research and Policy Lead:
[email protected]

With thanks to our funder, Mobilizing Justice, and research partners: