Centre For Family Equity

CFE seeks Parents and Caregivers for Online Survey about Before and After School Care in BC

June 15, 2023

VANCOUVER, BC; unceded territories - The Centre for Family Equity (CFE) is seeking qualified participants for a short online study about the before and after school care experience in BC. The "Before and After School Care Access Experiences Survey" seeks input from parents and caregivers who identify as low income and have children up to the age of 12. By sharing their experiences, participants will contribute to the development of strategies that enhance the accessibility and affordability of child care options.

All eligible participants who fill in the survey will be entered to win one of two $75 groceries gift certificates to thank you for taking the time to fill in the survey.

The survey is confidential and anonymous and carried out solely by the Centre for Family Equity. The data collected will be stored anonymously, and analyzed and reported with no personally identifiable information about the survey respondents. Please review our privacy policy for further information on our website: https://bit.ly/3WRVeGY
