Centre For Family Equity

Apply to join our funded 2025 Racial Equity and Disability Justice Advisory Committees

January 21, 2025

We are happy to report we have received support for our Racial Equity and Disability Justice Advisory Committees through 2025. This is a 10-month-long opportunity that starts in March. We have seven spaces available per committee, with five on each committee for lone mothers to impact anti-racism and disability justice within our Lone Mothers' Economic Inclusion initiative. Monthly Child Care Allowance included.

The advisory committees will inform and shape our existing work to address racism and disability justice, our approaches, frameworks, and best practices, and impact the development of new and emergent projects and initiatives in these areas. The diverse committees will also consist of working groups that will from time to time meet separately. The committee opportunities are open to those currently active in our existing projects, however, priority will be given to those who are not already engaged in other CFE projects. We encourage all who are interested to apply.

Please learn more about the committee roles, please check out the detailed role descriptions on our Join Us page of our website or click below. The role descriptions explain the terms of the engagement, the work the committees will do, how they will support the growth and evolution of the CFE, the selection process, and more. Please apply to your preferred committee; one cannot be a member of both. 

The deadline to apply to either committee is Tuesday, February 4th at 5 pm.

All of the forms below are located for easy and ongoing reference on the Join Us page of our website: https://www.centreforequity.ca/join

Racial Justice Advisory Committee Role Openings:

Disability Justice Advisory Committee Role Openings:

Staff Contact: [email protected]

We are grateful for the support of the McConnell Foundation towards these two crucial committees and our Lone Mothers' Economic Inclusion initiative in 2025.