Centre For Family Equity

Anti-Racism Peer-to-Peer Train the Trainer Training

In partnership with Bakau Consulting, the CFE will launch our peer-to-peer anti-racism train the trainer training this spring. This program is for those who want to train to deliver anti-racism training in peer-based environments employing a snowflake model organizing approach to ending racism.

Formal workshop training can be expensive and hard to access. We are breaking down barriers and fighting back against racism by equipping parent and caregiver community leaders impacted by low income to train, teach, and engage their peers and fellow community members. 

If you are a parent or caregiver impacted by poverty/low income living anywhere in BC, and you are interested in learning more and potentially taking this program, please let us know! Please fill in our expression of interest form to hear about upcoming program dates, the application process, and the program launch. 

Fill in our expression of interest form here to have the dates and application forms land in your Inbox!